With the holidays approaching and 2023 coming to a close, this year has been met with many changes and challenges for Canadian and American business owners and customers alike.
In our latest survey in partnership with Leger, we surveyed over 3000 Canadians and Americans to discover what their mental health and expectations are going into this holiday season. From stressors and budgets to shopping experiences and expectations, Canadians and Americans have a similar outlook this holiday season: reduce budgets, shop locally, shop online and reduce stress related to holiday shopping experiences.
As we dug deeper into the research findings, we learned that, specifically in Canada, women are more inclined to want free shipping or returns (57% Americans & 53% Canadians) and plan to shop locally with more small businesses and shop online. When it came to shopping experiences, Canadian women more often indicated a higher emphasis on varied or unique products when compared to Canadian men. The research also discovered that consumers say that the most important parts for businesses is to improve their holiday shopping experience are to have products that are varied, unique or local (54%), to offer free shipping or returns (53%), and to offer more discounts (51%). When looking at individual responses, the most important are more discounts (51%), free shipping (41%) and a variety of products (30%).
We also learned that those who feel more positive and negative are both due to the outlook on stress or mental health. For example, 42% who feel more positive say it is due to better mental health or reduced stress, along with improved family relationships (35%) and personal growth (31%). While 84% of those who feel negative about the upcoming holidays say it stems from increased stress and or worse mental health, especially due to financial stress (67%).
Learn more about Purolator holiday shipping tips, send-by dates and ways to save this holiday season at purolator.com/holidays.
Overall, one overarching sentiment from the research findings that kept coming through the data is that Canadians are finding creative ways to deliver the holiday spirit despite tightening budgets and economic headwinds. Gathering for family traditions and gifting is still as strong as in previous years, but Canadians are being more practical and creative to ensure that the holiday spirit is still strong.